Margot Ling is a creative entrepreneur and cross-cultural communication consultant. In 2016, she founded TCP Growth Ltd with the goal of catalyzing international media communications and facilitating multinational collaborations. With over 25 years of experience, Margot has spearheaded innovative cross-media partnerships for renowned entertainment and tech entities, including Twitter, Dolby, and Fox, in the Greater China region. Her impressive track record showcases her expertise in leveraging effective communication strategies in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Margot is a sought-after business partner for corporate leadership and communication training programs.
As an ICF certified executive coach, Margot is a passionate advocate for Adaptive Communication and Cultural Intelligence (CQ). Her clientele encompasses the civil service sector in Hong Kong and Mainland China, international corporations, Asia’s tech start-up founders and the consumer sector. Margot’s influence extends beyond executive coaching, as she also serves as a media trainer, communications facilitator, and guest speaker on various platforms globally. She empowers individuals and organizations to achieve their goals by nurturing a growth mindset, equipping them with best practices, and providing adaptive communication tactics.
Margot’s workshops are renowned for their engaging delivery and insightful content, consistently receiving excellence ratings of 92%+ since 2019. Her expertise and personal stories inspire others to enhance their communication strategies and increase their influence for success. Fluent in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, Margot’s cross-cultural acumen and friendly, hands-on training approach have made her a favorite among multinational clients.
在2016年,凌诗敏女士成立了TCP全思社有限公司,旨在通过有效的跨文化沟通,提升高管及团队的成功。在她25年的职业生涯中,她曾为包括X (前Twitter)、杜比实验室和福斯等知名娱乐和科技机构在大中华地区开展创新的跨国跨媒体合作,取得了显著的业绩。近年来,凌女士带领TCP全思社成为企业领导力和沟通培训领域中备受青睐的业务及培训课程伙伴。
作为国际教练联合会(ICF)认证的高管PCC教练,TMP团队管理分析师,CQ文化智能认证导师,她倡导顺势沟通Adaptive Communication、成长心态Growth Mindset和CQ文化智能。她的客户群涵盖香港和中国内地的公务部门、私营跨国企业、亚洲科技初创公司以及和国际消费品牌。凌女士还担任媒体培训师和跨文化演讲嘉宾,多次在香港和海外数字媒体平台上分享她的专业知识。她运用个人故事和实战心得,激发个人和团队的有效沟通策略,提升他们在企业工作及传讯的影响力。她的研讨会以引人入胜的方式和富有洞察力的内容而闻名,自2019年以来一直获得92%以上的优秀评价。凌女士拥有传播理论硕士与学士学位,精通英语、粤语和普通话,她的跨文化敏锐度和实践培训方法使她成为跨国客户中备受喜爱的人选之一。