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Vodcast # 31 – Empathy in a Diverse Culture is Good for Business by Shiela Cancino
Vodcast # 31 – Empathy in a Diverse Culture is Good for Business by Shiela Cancino 480 480 Margot

#ShielaCancino was once in a group of Cantonese speakers 💬 when she was the only non-Chinese speaker. She felt thankful that the group automatically spoke English to make Shiela feel…

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Vodcast # 30 – Responding to Cultural Shock by Gurjeet Chima
Vodcast # 30 – Responding to Cultural Shock by Gurjeet Chima 480 480 Margot

How would you react if you have a cultural shock ☄️? Will you feel irritated or will you try to let it go 💭? Many things are out of our…

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Vodcast # 28 – Cultural Stereotypes in Workplace by John Ho
Vodcast # 28 – Cultural Stereotypes in Workplace by John Ho 480 480 Margot

@John shares with us his view on typical #cultural stereotypes on #Thai and what his opinions are. He found himself happier when working in a country that focuses on #worklifebalance…

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Vodcast # 29 – Connect with a Different Culture with Storytelling by Jan Kot
Vodcast # 29 – Connect with a Different Culture with Storytelling by Jan Kot 480 480 Margot

Do you love #stories 🧙🏻‍♂️? They are a big part of our lives. Shanghai-born #intercultural #storytelling coach and former journalist @Jan shared with us her experience in Africa, where she…

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Vodcast # 27 – Learn to Evolve in a VUCA World by Margot Ling
Vodcast # 27 – Learn to Evolve in a VUCA World by Margot Ling 480 480 Margot

#Thriving in a #VUCA World – @Margot shared with us her secret to feel more grounded, and the magic of #GrowthMindset – learn to #adapt and #evolve 🌈, despite all…

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Vodcast # 26 – Widening your Horizon in a Cross-Cultural Setting by Shiela Cancino
Vodcast # 26 – Widening your Horizon in a Cross-Cultural Setting by Shiela Cancino 480 480 Margot

Shiela, as a seasoned finance executive, as well as an author & chess coach, shared with us how her horizon got expanded when she was working abroad in America in…

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Vodcast # 25 – Cultural Intelligence (CQ) by Sunaina Vij
Vodcast # 25 – Cultural Intelligence (CQ) by Sunaina Vij 480 480 Margot

What’s your experience working with partners from different cultures 🌏 like? What are the most frustrating moments for you? Certified CQ Facilitator @Sunaina specialises in helping business leaders nurture cultural…

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Vodcast # 24 – A Cross-Cultural Lodging Experience by John Ho
Vodcast # 24 – A Cross-Cultural Lodging Experience by John Ho 480 480 Margot

With vaccines 💉 available soon, it is time we plan for the post-pandemic recovery 🌈 plan. Co-living space @altcolivingCM founder and international livestream host, @JohnHo, is constructing a cross-cultural 🛋️…

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Vodcast # 23 – Global Mindset & Asia Story by Sini Koskenseppä
Vodcast # 23 – Global Mindset & Asia Story by Sini Koskenseppä 480 480 Margot

Our well-travelled 🇫🇮 Finnish friend, Sini Koskenseppä, shared with us what inspired her to think of a different perspective on 🧠 global mindset. Watch her story in Japan to find…

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Vodcast #021 – Storytelling Mindset by Jan Kot
Vodcast #021 – Storytelling Mindset by Jan Kot 480 480 Margot

In a world emphasizing a lot on technical & vocational skills, we seem to forget what differentiates humans is the human touch – storytelling capability. Our Intercultural Storytelling Coach and…

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