Vodcast # 32 – Presence in a Multicultural Virtual Meeting by Margot Ling

Vodcast # 32 – Presence in a Multicultural Virtual Meeting by Margot Ling 480 480 Margot

Are you now used to virtual meetings👩🏻‍💼👨🏼‍💻? Could it be challenging to fully establish our executive presence in a short 15 mins meeting, especially in a multicultural setting? @Margot is sharing with us this week 3 useful tips to instantly establish our presence. Take a look 👁️ & see if you are also applying those practices to build trust with your clients. #VirtualMeeting #Zoom #BeHuman #CrossCultural #PersonalGrowth #GrowthMindset #MargotLing #TCPGrowth #Presence