Highlight#4 from TCP Live#3 – Embracing Vulnerability by Shiela Cancino

    Highlight#4 from TCP Live#3 – Embracing Vulnerability by Shiela Cancino 480 480 Margot

    People often associate vulnerability with a fear of being exposed, criticized, or attacked for their flaws and mistakes. But TCP Expert and an experienced confidence coach, Shiela M. Cancino, CPA, DTM, ICF Coach, believes that #vulnerability and #success in cross-cultural relationships go hand in hand. Effective communication is often seen as a challenge in cross-cultural teams but those who show their vulnerability seem more human and approachable and invite more #opportunities for #growth and support. On the contrary, leaders who come across as being always right and infallible run the risk of isolating themselves and losing touch with their teams. Showing vulnerability keeps the communication door open for employees to bring not only their problems but also their ideas to make every aspect of the business better. Watch this highlight from TCP Live on “How to build relationships in diverse cultures” to learn more about how Shiela used her vulnerability as a stepping stone to cultural integration and trust-building. Are you ready to embrace your vulnerability? #GrowthMindset #Leadership #Communication