What is Unconscious Bias? by Sunaina Vij

What is Unconscious Bias? by Sunaina Vij 1024 576 Angeli Maduli

Do you think you’re not biased? Think again.

In our pandemic work setup, it has been easier to meet new people across the world. And when we are introduced to new people, our brains are wired to “sort” them into certain categories which makes it easier for us to make sense of who they are– this is #bias.

When you hear the word “bias”, you probably have a negative connotation to the word. In today’s age, the discourse about bias against #race, #gender, #age, #culture, and other areas of life have surfaced and people have been sensitive about this topic.

But Sunaina Vij, a diversity and inclusion strategist, reminds us in our latest #TCP video that bias isn’t always negative; it could be positive too! Our #UnconsciousBias helps us in creating quick decisions that could potentially save us from harm. Biases only become negative when we don’t acknowledge them in ourselves and it is used to make decisions that are not good for the organization.

How do you combat negative bias?

Do not miss Sunaina’s series and watch it here.

#Diversity #Inclusivity #Workplace #TCPGrowth #SunainaVij

About the Speaker

Sunaina is a global Diversity and inclusion strategist, interculturalist, and linguist. She is the founder and lead consultant & trainer at The Bridge. She is a certified Diversity and inclusion trainer, Cultural Intelligence facilitator (CQ), and FLE (French as Foreign Language specialist). Sunaina is also the creator of the ABCD Model for D&I communication strategy.