Gaining Trust by Giving Time by Shiela Cancino | TCP Growth

Gaining Trust by Giving Time by Shiela Cancino | TCP Growth 150 150 Angeli Maduli

🕧 Have you shared your #time with your workmates today?

Our online work environment has made us become multitaskers– having multiple tabs open or attending two meetings at once. This had us very focused on finishing tasks and it made us forget about the “human” aspect of working because of our screens.

Shiela Cancino, the DISC Map Facilitator and Keynote Speaker for #TCPGrowth, talks about empathy; besides finishing our tasks for the day, it’s important to still connect to our teammates. Building authentic relationships helps us understand the needs of our co-workers and these are opportunities to give time to them, gaining trust in return.

Watch Shiela as she shares a personal story of how she gave her time to a colleague that led to a great relationship built on trust.

When was the last time you gave your time to your officemates without expecting anything in return?

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