How Free Lunch Works Wonders by Shiela Cancino | TCP Growth

How Free Lunch Works Wonders by Shiela Cancino | TCP Growth 150 150 Angeli Maduli

😠 Hangry – the feeling of being irritable or angry because of hunger

If you’ve ever tried working on an empty stomach, you would know how difficult it is to stay focused on your work. It affects your productivity and your overall mood. So, it’s important to grab a bite before starting your job.

Having said that, do you know that giving free lunch to your teammates works wonders?

Here are 3 reasons why free lunches/food work:

💡 Encourages team productivity – A happy stomach can lead to a happy employee! A well-nourished body is needed to be able to do jobs efficiently. They also get less distracted from work since they won’t have to think about lunch. 

💡 Builds the team’s morale – Buying your team lunch is a small way to show that your company appreciates the efforts that they give. A sandwich and coffee can be another way of saying “You did great today!”

💡 Allows you to build relationships – Taking your team out to eat can help foster a deeper relationship. It allows you to get to know them more, especially outside of the work context.

Watch Shiela Cancino, the DISC Map Facilitator and Keynote Speaker for #TCPGrowth, as she shares how treating her team to lunches gives her the opportunity to share her time with her workmates.

Have you tried treating your team to lunch?

#Teamwork #Incentives #TeamMorale #ProductivityHacks #RelationshipBuilding  #ShielaCancino #TCPGrowth