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Vodcast #38 – The Perception of Accents by Goodie Okechukwu
Vodcast #38 – The Perception of Accents by Goodie Okechukwu 480 480 Margot

“Ants don’t sleep.” 🔎 A psycholinguist Shiri Lev-Ari had both native and non-native speakers record this simple statement and then played the recordings back to native speakers only, who in…

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Highlight 1 from TCP Live#2
Highlight 1 from TCP Live#2 480 480 Margot

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when someone talks about localising a global brand? Companies which have been successful in the complex undertaking will immediately understand that…

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Vodcast #37 – East Meets West: The Concept of Trust by Eric Tan
Vodcast #37 – East Meets West: The Concept of Trust by Eric Tan 480 480 Margot

Are some #cultures less trusting than others? Perhaps the most important characteristic of a high-functioning team is #trust. Team members must be able to trust each other in order for…

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Vodcast #36 – Global Mindset: Wisdom for a Globalised World by Lashley Pulsipher
Vodcast #36 – Global Mindset: Wisdom for a Globalised World by Lashley Pulsipher 480 480 Margot

A Global Mindset in Business Is the Difference Between Success & Failure. 72% of international Chinese companies surveyed believe the biggest difficulties that arise in conducting business overseas stem from…

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Vodcast#35 Human Edge: Champion of Wellbeing by Dr. Marcus Ranney
Vodcast#35 Human Edge: Champion of Wellbeing by Dr. Marcus Ranney 480 480 Margot

We live in the #VUCA time – very volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times. These times are having a profound effect upon the wellbeing of employees across all sectors and…

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Cultural Stereotypes in Workplace: Be Self Aware and Don’t Judge (LIVE #001 Highlights)
Cultural Stereotypes in Workplace: Be Self Aware and Don’t Judge (LIVE #001 Highlights) 480 480 Margot

Most people think cultural awareness is about learning about other people and how they do and don’t do things. This is a common misconception. Although this is certainly part of…

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Vodcast # 34 – Communicate to Bridge by Tomas Kucera
Vodcast # 34 – Communicate to Bridge by Tomas Kucera 480 480 Margot

People get caught in the trap of thinking that there is one right way to do things and everything else is wrong. Closed-mindedness is a barrier to #crosscultural communication unlike…

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#LIVE 001 – Cultural Stereotypes: Language & Accent by Christian Barmen, John Ho & Margot Ling
#LIVE 001 – Cultural Stereotypes: Language & Accent by Christian Barmen, John Ho & Margot Ling 480 480 Margot

Our TCP debut #LIVE was successfully held in late Feb. Here’s one of the takeaways – when having a conversation with people from multicultural backgrounds, using their second language to…

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Vodcast # 33 – Unconscious Bias by Sunaina Vij
Vodcast # 33 – Unconscious Bias by Sunaina Vij 480 480 Margot

We often have some mental pictures 🗺️when hearing different words. Sunaina shared all of us have unconscious bias, expecially in working with our colleagues or hiring🤝 someone. The first step…

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Vodcast # 32 – Presence in a Multicultural Virtual Meeting by Margot Ling
Vodcast # 32 – Presence in a Multicultural Virtual Meeting by Margot Ling 480 480 Margot

Are you now used to virtual meetings👩🏻‍💼👨🏼‍💻? Could it be challenging to fully establish our executive presence in a short 15 mins meeting, especially in a multicultural setting? @Margot is…

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