Understanding Others’ Style by Shiela Cancino

Understanding Others’ Style by Shiela Cancino 480 480 Angeli Maduli

For any team to #thrive, it needs different #people, #ideas, and #communications techniques. Managing expectations is a huge part of successful leadership and as a leader, your job is to adapt your style to get the most out of the people around you. People tend to respond well to others whose work style reflects their own. #Workstyles involve the way people interact with each other, think, and get things done. No style is better than any other style. When your team knows how you like to work and how you plan to manage them, they’re able to produce results faster. When you know how each of your direct reports likes to work and communicate, and adjust your communication approach to the “language” that they can understand, you’re able to save time when setting direction and following up. In this season’s TCP Live excerpt on “How to Build Relationships in a Diverse Culture”, listen to expat coach @ShielaCancino talk about her diverse experiences of managing expectations in global teams. How good are you at adapting to different communication styles? #Leadership #CrossCultural #Expectations #AdaptiveCommunications