Setting Up an Effective Communication System for Remote Workers by John Ho

Setting Up an Effective Communication System for Remote Workers by John Ho 150 150 Angeli Maduli

“Effective communication helps to keep the team working on the right projects with the right attitude.” – Alex Langer

We’ve been in the pandemic for more than 2 years. By now, companies have shifted to #remote or #hybrid work setup. But even so, not everybody has fully adjusted to their new workplace. There are still some areas of our work life that can go wrong and one of them is #communication.

One thing that we had to relearn when we entered the remote work was effective and #AuthenticCommunication. In a setup where we do not face our co-workers and have screens as substitutes, #miscommunication can happen when your message is not delivered clearly and effectively.

John Ho, a Remote Work Advocate and the Program Host of #TCPGrowth, reminds us that trust and transparency are vital in keeping the communication among remote workers while combining it with these three tips: 

  1. Providing the right tools to manage tasks
  2. Providing thorough training to use the tools
  3. Believing that remote work will work

How do you ensure effective communication in your workplace?

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#Digital #RemoteWork #EffectiveCommunication #JohnHo