Utilizing Clarity to Achieve Goals by Tan Nguyen

Utilizing Clarity to Achieve Goals by Tan Nguyen 150 150 Angeli Maduli

🏆 How do you use clarity to achieve goals?

Tan Nguyen, the International Leadership Coach for TCP Growth and a Certified Executive Coach for ICA, mentioned in his last video that to motivate a culturally diverse team, it is important for executives to remind their teams of their goals and bring clarity to them. However, having goals can be vague and it may be difficult for teams to jump from the starting line to the finish line.

In this video, he elaborates more on how to use that clarity to bring your team closer to your objectives. He gave 3 action steps to do this:

  1. Focus on making one step firm.
  2. Focus on realizing if that step is right and doing the next step.
  3. Repeat the process.

Tan reminds us that taking goals one step at a time and focusing on bringing clarity to that step will eventually lead us to the clarity of the whole journey. 

How do you bring clarity to your team?

Watch Tan’s video series here!

#Leadership #GoalSetting